Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am currently in Utah at Nick's family reunion. We just got back from Bear Lake and besides the sun burns we had a wonderful time. The last picture is of Grandpa Hill. This is a tradition for him to almost tip the chair over while napping. I was very excited because the last time I attempted to water ski I did not get up which was eight years ago and we went out the last morning and with some coaching from Amberly I got up the first time! Yes!


MA said...

Welcome back to the blogging world Hil- hehe... I'm so jealous you got to go to Utah during the summer! Looks like fun. Miss you- Schmary

Justin said...

Hillary, good to see you blogging again. Bear lake sounds like it was fun. Nice work on the water skiing, perhaps when I'm back in the states I can show you a few cool tricks like flips, 360's, 180's--you know, just some of the basic stuff.